born in 2000 from asian parents
been studying hard
art, history of art (antiques), anthropology, philosophy, information and communication, journalism
work as a calligrapher, in a plant store, a combini, a wall painter, a teacher, a researcher, a coder/webmaster (try hard)
had roles, took many wrong ways
always asked myself : who am i ?
There are lots of things I like. Always thought i was a pretty open-minded person, attentive, respectful. I don't really express myself to strangers, but have so many things to say.
Maybe I am too much, or not enough. Finding a balance, between being social and isolation. I love being alone, but I think i suffer from it.
I never been so lucky. I am an average person in everything. Pretty boring, slow. Sometimes it seems that I understand things people don't.
Lately I've been sick. Health always been a meh. Always been a pain for my weak ass body to recovery.
Always feeling like it takes longer than other people. I don't like seeing anyone when I am sick, I'm not asking for help.
This is how I end up without alimentation for one week, until my mother came because I stopped answering her messages. Hopefully, we still live in the same country. Hopefully, she is still alive.
I started to think, that if I die, no one would really know, no one will even come to my funerals, or will not what to do with all my craps, my stuffs, my blogs, my contents.
I hope someone connects to my social media and post that "one last message" from me, but who even has access to my phone, or computer. Who even will ever find this.
People are not informed, so you have to inform them yourself, right ?
Let me tell you : my last wishes (written in 2025), ctrl+ U to get the right format.